I Don’t Sell Life Insurance



1.  A practice by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment.

2.  The business of providing such an arrangement.

Nobody likes life insurance

When was the last time you thought about life insurance?  We know it’s not your favorite topic and that it ranks near the bottom on your list of things you like to spend your money on.  You buy it most times because it seems like the right thing to do or maybe because your spouse is forcing you to.  Don’t feel bad.  Most life insurance professionals feel the same way.  In fact, ask anyone in the field of insurance, and if they’re honest, they’ll tell you that they never intended to have a life insurance career.

They didn’t go to school for it like doctors, lawyers, or accountants.  They fell into it and then became captive to it.  Most would leave the insurance world in a second if their seniority, pay, and obligations weren’t holding them back.

At a crossroads

The same could have been said for me.  Insurance for me was a job to get me through college.  Once I graduated I was going to be gone.  I was going to move on to bigger and better things.  But bigger and better was about to be a low level management job for a uniform company.  Luckily at that time I discovered the meaning of insurance.  Not the definition I shared above, but the meaning.  I discovered what sales leadership expert and best-selling author Lisa Earle McLeod calls a Noble Sales Purpose.

Noble Sales Purpose

McLeod writes that most sales departments believe their purpose is to drive revenue to their companies.  But those with a Noble Sales Purpose understand that their job is to make a difference to their customers.  Their job is to make their customers more efficient, to improve their customer’s bottom line, to make them healthier, or maybe feel more secure.  Driving revenue is a result of adding value to their customers.  I discovered that my Noble Sales Purpose was to not sell life insurance.

I don’t sell life insurance

I don’t sell life insurance.  But every single day people shop and buy from people who do.  They can be spotted immediately because they only ask you about your age and health.  In the end some are nice enough to give you a couple different coverage options but rarely do you come across one who can tell you why.

I can tell you why because I don’t sell life insurance.  Instead…

  • I make sure that with all the agonizing things a new widow has to worry about, paying the mortgage and college tuition aren’t among them.
  • I provide peace of mind to the doctor who wonders how his family would get by without his income.
  • I remove some of the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that comes with debt.
  • I help business owners ensure that their legacy lives on longer than they do.

You already know you need life insurance.  Let’s talk about why.